
Ang Lee

Director Ang Lee started his career with the Chinese-language art house hits The Wedding Banquet and Eat Drink Man Woman. He has since helmed a variety of well-received, award-winning features in English, including the 2005 romantic drama Brokeback Mountain, for which he won an Oscar for Best Director.
In 1995, Lee directed his first film in English, an adaptation of Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility starring and co-written by Emma Thompson. After a few rare misfires, including the western Ride With the Devil and the comic book movie Hulk, Lee took on the somewhat controversial Western romance Brokeback Mountain, about two cowboys who are unsettled to discover a mutual attraction.
Mountain won 3 Oscars, including Lee's first Academy Award for Best Director. The expected winner of that night's Best Picture award, it lost out to Paul Haggis' race drama Crash

Woody Allen Movie

Here's what I've learned
Like Ian Fleming and P.G. Wodehouse,returns compulsively to the same creative ground. In Allen's case, it's ground trod by anxious, well-to-do white people, who swap partners and drop cultural references in an empty, godless universe. The extent of the similarities from one film to the next is remarkable. It's not just that he recasts actors or that he revisits the themes of domestic boredom and cosmic insignificance. He reuses the same font,  for his titles and credits. He recycles character types: the neurotic Jewish New Yorker (the filmmaker's  the adulterous intellectual, the hypochondriac intellectual. He recycles plot lines. He even recycles punch lines. In  celebrity (1998), a model says she's "polymorphously perverse … meaning every part of my body gives me sexual pleasure." That should sound familiar: In Annie Hall (1977), Alvy tells Annie that she's "polymorphously perverse … you get pleasure in every part of your body when I touch it."
Because I've already invested so much time into Allen's films, I'll keep making my annual pilgrimage without regard to quality, holding out for the possibility of a swan song. At his latest, I saw a hint of a way forward in the plotlines dedicated to Alfie (Anthony Hopkins) and Helena (Gemma Jones), who worry about senescence and death not simply because these are facts of life, but because, like their creator, they've reached old age. A film that broaches the regular lot of preoccupations from the deathbed perspective rather than the needlessly-anxious-middle-age one could—here's hoping—bring poignancy back to the Woody Allen experience. 

Why I LOVE Tim Burton

Tim Burton is probably (in my opinion) one of the most creative minds of all time. His work has been inspiring me for as long as I can remember. A lot of my favorite movies growing up were The Nightmare Before Christmas, Batman Returns, Edward Scissorhands, etc…
Fantasy Hair and makeup have always inspired me and in a lot of ways fueled my passion for this industry.   Tim Burtons movies are basically my form of eye candy. So for those of you who are not familiar with his work let me show you just a sneak peek into what hes done to inspire me, and for those of you who are already fans, lets reminisce.

I am in love with Tim Burton’s version of Alice in Wonderland. Probably one of the best fantasy hair and makeup Ive seen in a while, and Tim Burton style.       

Stanley Kubrick: The Film Fan

Kubrick was granted enormous freedom as an artist, nestled away in the English countryside far from prying eyes.  As a result, he was often caricatured as a recluse, unengaged with the wider culture, and his imagination wrestled with film technology for years before unleashing startling cinematic visions.  For all of the emphasis given to Kubrick’s innovative use of NASA lenses and candlelight in “Barry Lyndon” (1975), as well as the ghostly Steadicam glide of “The Shining” (1980), there has been little attention given to the cinematic influences that inspired his work.
Three of Kubrick’s late films are suffused with visual tropes that link his work to the art cinema of America, Europe and Japan. The movies are: “A Clockwork Orange” (1971), “The Shining” (1980) and “Eyes Wide Shut” (1999), which all feature protagonists who are governed by outside forces and seem to be shaped in part by movies from the past. Many of Kubrick’s images are inspired by the novels that his movies were based on. However, by pinpointing his cinematic references, we get a sense of the breadth of his film knowledge and enthusiasm for diverse genres. Our understanding of Kubrick’s work is aided by observing how a range of films resonate and sympathise with one another, perhaps coincidentally, often with absolute intent.

it seems clear that Kubrick readily paid homage to other films and found inventive ways to blend the radical practices of art cinema with the more conventional procedures of Hollywood filmmaking.

How has Steven Spielberg influenced the film industry?

Steven Spielberg will perhaps be most widely revered as the father of blockbusters, yet his influence on contemporary filmmaking runs well beyond box office bombshells. The most common theme in all his stories is of the connections of people, and it is this wide treatment of human relationships that has so influenced contemporary film. Unlike other directors who often have a specific agenda to push, Spielberg has devoted his films, across genres, to representing how people interact, love and sometimes war.

At the beginning of his career, Spielberg broke into the film industry with sensational action and special effects. Jaws and Close Encounters of the Third Kind defined a new generation of film which paved the way for other films with big booms and big budgets. Without Spielberg, films like Titanic and Lord of the Rings would most likely not have been as spectacular; Spielberg is often thought of in tandem with George Lucas as the father of contemporary computer generated special effects.
Furthermore, his films situated themselves more readily into mainstream culture with the concept of spin off merchandise. His high grossing ET and Jurassic Park took the movie industry to new levels with merchandising schemes that often outsold their inspirations, creating a sense of identity or brand around each movie as its own institution. While in the past, there had been cult classics where followers were seen as devoted to one film, Spielberg films elevated all blockbusters by selling the image of the movie by cross marketing with other cultural fixtures like fast food.

Beyond the spectacle, Spielberg has also devoted much of his career to issues of family, war, and slavery. His most common subject has been the Holocaust and World War II, developing stories which offer new insights into the historic war. Schindler’s List was far from a blockbuster movie, portraying a complicated hero of victims of the Holocaust and how he navigated a hostile environment in order to do the right thing. In many ways it is a continuation of the theme from an earlier Spielberg film, Empire of the Sun, which is a coming of age story in the face of internment.
Spielberg’s career has not been without criticism or controversy. Godard railed against the consumer culture tinge to Spielberg’s work, while critics have blamed Spielberg for ruining Kubrick’s last film and causing assorted trauma to veterans during screenings of Saving Private Ryan.
Despite the criticisms, Spielberg’s body of work represents a director who is cherished for his causes and for his spectacle. Recognized consistently by the Academy, Spielberg’s legacy has been to encourage films that are unadulterated in their action and effects, while still maintaining strong character roots.

Influence of Hitchcock's

(13 August 1899 – 29 April 1980)

When Alfred Hitchcock was originally shooting Psycho (1960), he realized that it would make an impact on many viewers. What he did not realize is the cultural impact that it would still have almost fifty years later. One of the more obscure facts about Psycho concerns the paperwork that the actors and actresses were forced to sign along with the rest of the crew. This paperwork explained that Universal Studios and Alfred Hitchcock would sue anyone for a large sum of money if they were to speak about anything to do with the movie.
While this had been done to a small extent before Psycho, the exasperating amount (that has never been fully disclosed) was a first. Ever since then, nondisclosure agreements have become the norm in Hollywood.
Many directors believed that it ruined their vision for a movie if the theatergoers were not all in their seas when the movie started. Hitchcock made it a rule that no one was allowed into the movie theater once Psycho had started. Once again, he made movie theater owners sign statements that explained this rule, and the fact that they would be sued if they did not follow.
On top of this, they would no longer be given Universal Studios movies to show ever again. This was a major threat to any theater owner since most of the movies out of Universal Studios were big moneymakers.
There were very few directors that ever believed that this was possible. Once they saw Psycho, and realized that the main female lead in the movie was actually a thief, they realized why Hitchcock made this requirement. They realized that she had to die since she had done something evil.
This became a norm later on when the slasher movies came out. Many of the victims in slasher movies die because of the fact that the have done something illegalal, or unethical. The most common victim became the high school teen who was doing drugs or having premarital sex. This was all inspired by Psycho.
Psycho, at it's basis, inspired many of the serial killer and slasher movies that we see today. Psycho was one of the first horror films that gains popularity by taking the horror away from a monster, and putting it into a person. This time, the person was the monster in the form of Norman Bates.
Hitchcock made the strange move of not only putting a toilet in Psycho, but to also have it flushed. This was the first time that any movie had ever had a working toilet in it. ile this may sound like a strange point to mention, it does have extreme importance in Hollywood.
There were many walls in Hollywood that were being jumped or broken down when Psycho first came out. Directors realized that they had limitations, and wanted to break through those limitations. The working toilet in Psycho made it clear to all directors that there are taboos that can be broken during a movie.
The Birds
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Staying in the bathroom for a moment, the shower scene in Psycho has become one of the most familiar scenes in any movie. One of the reasons for this is because of the fact that the shower scene still affects a lot of people to this day. There are many people that refuse to take showers because they are worried that someone is going to sneak up on them.
Also, by today's standards, Psycho is still scary because of the amount that was not showed on the screen. Unlike many of today's movies, the gruesome deaths were not shown to the highest possible degree. People became more afraid by what they did not see, then they could have by what they did see. The mind's eye worked overtime during Hitchcock's Psycho.
This is one of the reasons why the sequels to Psycho did not work. Most people do not even realize that there were sequels to Psycho. The sequels showed the violence, gore, and nudity. The original just suggested them.
To this day, Hitchcock's Psycho continues to influence movie making, and the nightmares of many people. It will be interesting to see in the next fifty years how much influence the movie still hold on our lives and on Hollywood.



Professional Development

Wholesale repeat orders
Sale or return
Show case work-one of each product
Price list
Taking first orders
Build potential client list
Follow up enquiries Legal
Intellectual Property
Insurance Inland revenue
Business bank account

Selling online
Good images
Informative descriptions
Quick delivery times
Good customer service
Change products depending on season
Plan 6 months in advance

Keep going

Keep designing ,making and devoloping you techniques
Be aware of trends-market research
Stay in touch with students and network
keep your options open-try new things

Digital-Fluid Film

Video some pictures and video before the view not clear,zoom in on thing need clear.But in the past everything diffcult to shot.One part to shot need Green screen,this way it is easy to everybody,and technology not anything possible and right now everything freedom than before.
Digital technology-can do whatever you want and doing work ,making film
The best way to learn is to see more films and get good idea from it,and learn how to shot how to move ,and how to use ,when to use technology.

The media programme

Today the topic is talk about Funding,networking and Training Opportunities
They Aims are to:
Develop in spiring ,imaginative and throught-provoking programmes of cellence that bring artists and audiences together
Provides a platform for wales-based  artists   set up-what we are and to do
Oriel Darries is an independent public art gallery based in newtown,powys
They do not have an art collection,They are free admission and some education projects are also free.

Film,Funding and Wales

The film Agency for wales is the sale agency for film in Wales,with a remit to ensure that the economic,cultual and educational aspects of film are effectively represented in Wales,the uk the world.
Notes to guide the Future
1 Audience Research
2 select your project for the right reasons-not because it fits local sources of finance
3 remember that the screenplay is the most important element in the package-films are about stories
4 build up relationships-sale agents,banker lawyers
5 cornerstone strategy-look in the first financial sources
6 do not try to run before you can walk -develop fully
7 know the value of your project in the marketplace
8 make it for less than its value
9 know when to give up

Professional Development

Today this lesson show me too much their works.Sometimes shot film in Green room not true place and use the mirror as camera.Actually make up is one part of important thing to shoot the film.Another part is dress which cloth and fit which film.So finally wo know to shoot film is not easy thing.

Piece to camera

What is a piece to camera?After this lesson i know about how a piece to camera work,how to look,how to speak and how to storm out.
when you want interview someone or you want to be interview do not look at the camera anduse jargon without explaining.I saw one vedio about the bad interview is too many hand movement.
Media training is began in 90s and consultants helping you get your message across,bad training=ignoring the question
How to starting the interview:
1start with the basics:who/what/where/how/why
2No agenda
3No advance question/No ambush
How you look to interview other one:
1 No fussy clothing
2 strips/checks causes strobing
3 avoid bold colours,not white
4 check in the mirror
Top tips
1 keep it clear and concise
2 you will get edited--90%will go
3 sound bites no more than 30 seconds
speak naturally,ignore um and er
yes,you do sound like that
let the interviewer do the editing
Visual flair
show your work
passion and enthusiasm
control animated and lively
simple.Explain technical terms
Devil is in the detail.get personal

Getting that job--BBC

Here are suggesstion for you how to getting job:
1  It is important to be thinking about occupations from a young age. Try to volunteer or "job shadow" at places you are interested in working for. You should start thinking about this early, before going to college and having the pressure of choosing a major, finding internships.The best companies to work for tend to rely heavily (up to 40%) on employee referrals. Make a list of all of your friends, relatives, and acquaintances. Call each one and ask them if they know of any openings that they could recommend you for. Don't be too humble or apologetic. Tell them what you've been looking for, but let them know that you're flexible and that if they have any suggestions, you're open to them. This is not the time to be picky about jobs; a connection can often get your foot in the door, and you can negotiate pay or switch positions later once you've gained experience and established your good reputation.
 2 if you aren't already, start volunteering for an organization that focuses on something that you're passionate about. You may end up doing boring or easy work in the beginning but as you stick around and demonstrate your commitment, you'll be given more responsibilities. Not only will you be helping others, but you'll also be gaining references. You should emphasize your volunteer experience on your resume, as companies that treat their employees well tend to favor candidates who help the community somehow.
3  Many structured interviews, particularly those at large companies, start with a question like "tell me about yourself." The interviewer doesn't really want you to go back to grade school and talk about your childhood. This is a specific question with a specific answer...in two minutes or so, the interviewer wants to get you to relax and loosen out your vocal cords, understand your background, your accomplishments, why you want to work at XYZ company and what your future goals are.
You might be asked to describe problems you've encountered in the past and how you handled them, or you'll be given a hypothetical situation and asked what you would do. They'll basically want to know how you'll perform when faced with obstacles in the position you're interviewing for. Be able to give honest, detailed examples from your past, even if the question is hypothetical (e.g. "I would contact the customer directly, based on my past experience in a different situation in which the customer was very pleased to receive a phone call from the supervisor"). You might find yourself listing facts--if so, remember that in this kind of interview
Don't just do an Internet search, memorize their mission, and be done with it. If it's a retail company, visit a few of their stores, observe the customers, and even strike up a few conversations. Talk to existing employees--ask them what it's like working there, how long the position has been open, and what you can do to increase your chances of getting it. Become familiar with the history of the company. Who started it? Where? Who runs it now? Be creative, and out do the other candidates.


Object and image-the physical
original and the reproduced copy
for images,usage is everything
Step 1 work out your minimum job fee or break even point
2 factor in usage
3 research experience
Three special areas:
stock and library
Issue a licence to use with every bit of work you do.
It is a description of how you are allowing your client to use your work.
Working for free-only if:
advantageous for photographer
Limited in duration
Does not replace paid work
copyright is respected
socially usueful or non-commercial
Print sales
Protecting your work
Labelling,file information(metadata)
21 things you can do:
--go to some openings--go to festical--business advice--get some trainning
--social media--metadata--a porject--a project--a partnership--website/blog
--slideshow9collaborate)--portfolio--marketing masterial--write--give a talk
--apply for a grant--be written about-print sales--exhibit9shirley read)--
a book--competitious--Email newsletter


Today teacher is talk about job,the minimum you have to charge for a job to avoid going out of business.your total annual overheads as a business.The number of jobs you can reasonably do in a year.In what circumstances would you charge less than this minimum job fee.Loss leader and marketing be careful.When you will be able to reuse the photographys and we all choose to work for free sometimes.So we can choose which fit us and then do it.It is a best way to get better life.

Piece to Camera

Main areas:Photopraghy,Communication,Efficiency,Motivation
The business side of photography
1 Employed freelance
2 You and your business
3 Get some business help
4 Ethics:growth or sustainability
Championing alternative ways of working
1 By passing institutions
2 Collaboration and collectives
3 Community-based
4 Cross-discipline
5 Digital and online

Getting that job

Here are some recipes for success:
Logic,rhetoric and maths--Lain Bennett You have got to have something to say.It is got to be worth saying,and then the picture.
Interest knowledge and research--the photographic economy and the world
Marketing--talking and writing,strong voice
Personality--building relationships with clients,buyer and curactors
The work ethice good business

Building an Audience:Making a living from comics

Today topic is about building an audience(making a living from comics)
The teacher told us before you want to do something do not be shy.Making contacts:people doing work like you conventions please be realistic.Webcomic work:
making books becoming a business baron.Then things two with two had been taught.exposure is meaning less.All of the information we can get result that is leave how to be a pain about money.Most publishing deals are not worth anything.that is all.

Getting Started in Photography

Today Paul Herrmann talk about Photographer and director of Redeye.
What does they do:
1 The board picture of photography,networking and advice,information
2 Events portfolio sessions,lectures,workshops,symposia,debate
3 volunteer contribute
4 Ethics and good practice
5 Big projects:lightbox,look Festival,National photography symposim
6 Volunteer ,contribute
It is a very good small company to teach people how to do their work,if you have question about photography you can ask them,they would like to help you.

Angus Montgomery-Editor of Design Week

Today one teacher teach us how to make youself and then gave us some example.Here are some picture of subject they did before.Both of them very nice,not only they different thinking and design but also the meaning of all the picture are very fashion.
The first example is  light bulb and flower in liquid.And then he show us student work about disign.I learnt too much good part from these.

Introduction to be provided by Dr stuart cunningham

Today is the first day to start the lectures,at morning time we saw one teacher who was came form America so he teaching Art there before.He told us one story about one proson before very poor but he never give up ,after he 14 years old he had a plan how to be success ,how became and how does he did it.He tried to sell books in 1997 around the world not too much money but get experience.This story told me how to make plan by myself and how important about to do the plan is very important to everyone who want to be successful in future.